COVID-19 Update: Acute Care Clinic and Telehealth Services

COVID-19 Update: Acute Care Clinic and Telehealth Services

Dr. Thelen from our Family Medical Specialties clinic and Dr. Egger from Phelps Medical Group provide an update on how our health care teams in Holdrege, Nebraska and Phelps County are preparing for a possible surge of patients with COVID-19 cases.

They provide information on our new services including Telehealth virtual visits and a new Acute Care Clinic that will be opening Monday, March 30th within the Medical Plaza, right next door to our clinic in suites 300 and 400 to treat patients who need coronavirus care.  Call either the Family Medical Specialties or Phelps Medical Group clinic to schedule an appointment at the Acute Care Clinic. If you are experiencing any symptoms, please call your clinic prior to entering the building. They will provide you with additional information on any additional precautions or procedures to follow prior to entering the clinic.

Our ultimate goal is to protect everyone including patients and employees from exposure to the COVID-19 virus. We believe these new services will allow us to slow the spread and provide services to both our sick and well patients.

Learn more about our telehealth services here:

To schedule an appointment for telehealth or at the Acute Care Clinic, please give us a call at: 308-995-4431.

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