Your health and the health of your family is one of your most important possessions. To care for it properly, it’s important to have an established relationship with a personal doctor and a group of professional healthcare providers.
Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Accutane?
Accutane (Isotretinoin) is a prescribed medication used for the treatment for severe cases of acne breakouts.
What are the benefits of Accutane to Treat Acne?
Most individuals who suffer from moderate to severe acne obtain clear skin after 4 to 5 months.
Who can benefit from an Accutane Acne Treatment Regimen?
Accutane can be prescribed if you are suffering from:
- Moderate to severe acne that has failed other treatments
- Severe scarring acne
- Acne present for many years that has not responded completely to antibiotic pills and creams
Who Can Help Me with My Acne?
Dr. Thelen specializes in this treatment regimen at our clinic, and she will walk you through the process and answer any questions you have.
Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is ADHD?
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental disorders affecting children and it also affects several adults.
What are the Symptoms of ADHD?
There are three types of ADHD: Inattentive Type, Hyperactive/Impulsive Type or Combined Type. A diagnosis is based on the symptoms that have occurred over the past 6 months.
Inattentive Type
Frequently have 6 (or 5 for individuals over the age of 17) symptoms occur:
- Doesn’t pay close attention to details or make careless mistakes in school or job tasks
- Has problems staying focused on tasks or activities, such as during lectures, conversations, or long reading
- Does not seem to listen when spoken to (i.e., seems to be elsewhere)
- Does not follow through on instructions and doesn’t complete schoolwork, chores, or job duties (may start tasks but quickly loses focus)
- Has problems organizing tasks and work (for instance, does not manage time well; has messy, disorganized work; misses deadlines)
- Avoids or dislikes tasks that require sustained mental effort, such as preparing reports and completing forms
- Often loses things needed for tasks or daily life, such as sock papers, books, keys, wallet, cell phone, and eyeglasses
- Is easily distracted
- Forgets daily tasks, such as doing chores and running errands. Older teens and adults may forget to return phone calls, pay bills, and keep appointments
Hyperactive/Impulsive Type
Frequently have 6 (or 5 for people over the age of 17) symptoms occur:
- Fidgets with or taps hands or fee, or squirms in seat
- Not able to stay seated (in classroom, workplace)
- Runs about or climbs where it is inappropriate
- Unable to play or do leisure activities quietly
- Always “on the go,” as if driven by a motor
- Talks too much
- Blurts out an answer before a question has been finished (for instant may finish people’s sentences, can’t wait to speak in conversations)
- Has difficulty waiting for their turn, such as waiting in line
- Interrupts or intrudes on others (for instance, cuts into conversations, games, or activities, or starts using other people’s things without permission). Older teens and adults may take over what others are doing.
Combined Type
Individuals who are classified in a combination of both the Inattentive Type and Hyperactive/Impulsive Type.
Learn more about ADHD:
- American Psychiatric Association here:
- Children and Adults with Attention-Deficient/Hyperactivity Disorder:
How Do I or My Child Get a Diagnosis?
There is no lab test to diagnose ADHD. Our providers will work with you to discuss and gather information about you or your child’s behaviors and possible symptoms including:
A diagnosis involves:
- Gathering information from parents, teachers and others within you or your child’s life
- Filling out checklists
- Medical Evaluation (including vision and hearing screening) to rule out other medical problems
Who Can Diagnose ADHD?
The following providers specialize in ADHD evaluations at Family Medical Specialties. They will answer any of your questions and walk you through the process. Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
What are Allergies?
Allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to a foreign substance such as pollen, food, or pet dander. The presence of an allergen triggers the release of the body’s defenses, such as histamines, which cause the runny nose and itchy eyes with which many allergy sufferers are familiar. Allergies can cause symptoms that involve the skin, sinuses, airways, or digestive system.
The severity of allergies varies from person to person and can range from minor irritation to life-threatening emergency. While allergies can’t be cured, several treatments can help relieve allergy symptoms.
What Does the Allergy Clinic Do?
The Family Medical Specialties allergy clinic determines which substances you may be allergic to through a comprehensive series of skin and blood tests. Once pinpointed, doctors and nurses specially trained in allergy treatment custom-formulate a serum specific to the patient’s allergy or allergies. Then, using a carefully planned immunotherapy program of gradually increasing doses of serum, the patient’s body builds up its own immunity to the allergen over time.
What is a Custom Allergy Shot Serum?
Properly formulating and mixing the serum is both art and science. Several members of our team have taken specialized training in allergy diagnosis and treatment, and our serums are prepared by a specialist in-house and administered through weekly shots in our clinic during regular clinic hours or through our patients’ chosen local clinic.
Who Can Help Me with My Allergies?
The following providers can help you with your allergies at our clinic. They will answer any of your questions and walk you through this treatment option. Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
Who is Best Suited for Allergy Shots (Immunotherapy)
Our custom allergy serums and immunotherapy programs are recommended for those who suffer from allergy symptoms more than 3 months a year and do not find relief from standard allergy medicines.
Generally, allergy shots work for those who suffer from allergies from: bee stings, pollen, dust mites, mold, and pet dander.
How Often Do I Need to Get Allergy Shots?
The frequency depends on the patient and the specific allergy or allergies.
Typically, the shots are given on a weekly basis for the first few months. Then, once within the “maintenance phase” shots are administered every 2-4 weeks until they are needed for only once a month.
How Long Does It Take for Immunity to Build?
The length of time depends on the patient. Symptom relief is commonly seen within the first 6 months to a year of the immunotherapy program. After 3-5 years allergy symptoms reach the threshold of “immunity” where symptoms are better and may even go away.
At What Age Can the Immunotherapy Process Start?
Immunotherapy for allergy shots can be started for anyone older than 5 years old.
Who Can Help Me with My Allergies?
The following providers can help you with your allergies at our clinic. They will answer any of your questions and walk you through this treatment option. Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
What are Allergy Tests?
Allergy tests involve either skin or blood tests to determine the substance or substances you are allergic to.
What Are Allergy Skin Tests, and Do They Hurt?
During an allergy skin test, the skin is exposed to allergy-causing substances and observed for any signs of an allergic reaction: reddening, skin itch, rash, etc.
Allergy skin tests are not painful, if anything, there may be some mild or momentary discomfort. The needles used to administer the tests are called lancets, and they barely penetrate the skin’s surface.
Who Can Help Me with My Allergies?
The following providers can help you with your allergies at our clinic. They will answer any of your questions and walk you through this treatment option. Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
We take pride in supporting your child from all sides in their development by focusing on their mental, emotional, and physical health.
Who Can I Schedule a Wellness Exam With?
The following providers do Annual Child Wellness Exams at Family Medical Specialties. They will answer any of your questions and walk you through what to expect.
Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is an Annual Wellness Exam?
An Annual Wellness Exam, also known as a yearly physical, is a yearly appointment with your primary care provider (PCP) to create or update a personalized wellness plan.
At the exam, your provider will discuss your physical, mental, and emotional health, and you may also receive or do the following at your appointment:
- Physical Examination
- Checking of your vitals
- Checking your BMI
- Examination of your personal and family medical histories
- Discussion of current lifestyle and health choices
- Screenings
- Shots and immunizations
- Establishing or updating your personalized wellness plan
Why are Annual Wellness Exams Important?
Preventative Care
A wellness exam is a type of preventative care appointment that focuses on maintaining your current wellness levels and stopping health problems before they occur.
Relationship Building
By building strong, trustworthy, and understanding relationships with you. We provide a safe and open atmosphere where you can feel comfortable and free to bring up honest concerns and questions, even if they are uncomfortable topics.
Having an annual exam allows our providers to track the progress and changes in your health over the course of years. This information allows your provider to quickly see changes and tailor care when there is something to stay on top of and monitor.
All-Encompassing Health
At your annual wellness exam, we take pride in focusing on your physical, mental, and emotional health. We cover and discuss several topics to make sure you are receiving the support you need from all sides.
Is My Annual Wellness Exam Covered by Insurance?
Since annual wellness exams are considered preventative care wellness exams, they are 100% covered by most health insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Who Can I Schedule a Wellness Exam With?
The following providers do Annual Wellness Exams at Family Medical Specialties. They can answer any of your questions and walk you through what to expect. Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is a Bone Density Test?
A bone density test is used to determine if you have osteoporosis. This disorder is when bones are more fragile and more likely to break. Your provider may schedule a bone density test to:
- Identify decreases in bone density (before you break a bone)
- Determine your risk of bone fractures
- Confirm if you have osteoporosis
- Monitor the procession of an osteoporosis treatment
For the bone density test, x-rays measure how many grams of calcium and other bone minerals are packed into a segment of bone. Spine, hip, and forearm bones are usually used for the test.
Who Would Need a Bone Density Test?
Your provider may schedule a Bone Density test if you have:
- Lost height – Those who have lost 1.5 inches or more in height may have compression fractures in their spine, which may be a sign for osteoporosis
- Fractured a Bone – Bone fragility fractures occur when the bone becomes so fragile that it breaks more easily than normal. These can sometimes be caused by a strong cough or sneeze.
- Taken Certain Medications or Drugs – Long term use of medications like steroids interfere with the body’s ability to rebuild bone which can lead to osteoporosis.
- A Drop in Hormone Levels – Lowered sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone) levels can weaken bone.
Who Orders and Performs a Bone Density Test?
Our radiology team will perform the test, and any of our providers can order a Bone Density test. They will answer any of your questions and walk you through this diagnostic test. Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
How Can Botox® Help with Migraines?
In 2010, Botox® was approved for use to treat patients with chronic migraine symptoms. Several patients have been able to find relief for 10-12 weeks at a time with this treatment.
For this treatment, Botox® is injected around pain fibers involved in causing headaches. Botox® then enters the nerve endings around the injection points to block pain transmission chemicals from going to the brain.
Does Insurance Cover Botox® as a Treatment for Chronic Migraine?
Since Botox® is FDA approved for chronic migraine, it is covered by most plans, including Medicare and Medicaid.
To be approved through your insurance provider, they typically require that you have tried and failed to respond to two other preventative treatments. For example, anti-seizure medications, antidepressants, or blood pressure medications are typically used to prevent migraines.
Allergan (Botox®’s parent company) offers a “Botox Savings Card,” which offers patients reduced fees.
Who Can Help Me with My Pain?
Dr. Thelen and Katie Luthy, PA-C offer this service at our clinic, and they will walk you through the process and answer any questions you have.
Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Limb Spasticity?
Spasticity is a condition where the muscles tighten or get stiff, which prevents normal fluid movement. With the muscles remaining in a contracted position and resisting being stretched, movement and gait can be affected. It is caused by damage or disruption to the area of the brain and/or spinal cord that is responsible for controlling muscle movement. For example, a stroke, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, adult cerebral palsy, and spinal cord injury.
Limb Spasticity is where this condition occurs in the extremities.
You can also learn more about this treatment here: BOTOX® onaboutlinumtoxinA Patient Brochure
How Can Botox® Help with Limb Spasticity?
When BOTOX® is injected into the muscles that are affected by the spasticity condition, pain can be reduced and the range of motion at a joint can be improved.
If you suffer from a condition causing limb spasticity and struggle to control your pain, schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
Who Can Help Me with My Pain?
Dr. Thelen offers this service at our clinic, and she will walk you through the process and answer any questions you have.
Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What forms of Breast Cancer Screenings are available?
Early detection is the key to survival. At your annual wellness exams, or breast cancer screening exam, your provider will perform a breast exam to check for any abnormalities. It is also highly recommended to perform self-exams regularly. The gold standard for breast cancer screening is a mammogram. Your provider can walk you through these options and what to expect.
How do I perform a breast self-exam?
Breast self-exams, or regularly examining your breasts on your own, are an important tool when it comes to finding breast cancer early, which is when it is more likely to be successfully treated. has a great step-by-step tutorial on how to perform a breast self-exam:
If you have questions, your provider can walk you through the process.
When should I get a Mammogram?
Mammograms are recommended to become part of your annual wellness plan starting at the age of 40. For those who are higher risk for breast cancer should start earlier. Talk to your provider if you are at a higher risk or have questions about whether you qualify for a mammogram. They will develop the care plan to best fit your needs.
Who is at a higher risk for breast cancer?
The risk factors that increase the chances of breast cancer are:
- Family History – A history of breast or ovarian cancer within the family.
- Getting Older – Most breast cancers are diagnosed after age 50
- Genetic Mutations – BRCA1 and BRCA2 are two of the most common genetic gene mutations
- Reproductive History – A longer length of time from puberty to menopause expose you to hormones longer
- Dense Breast Tissue – Dense breasts have more connective tissue versus fatty tissue. Making it harder to see tumors on a mammogram.
- Personal History – A history of breast cancer or certain non-cancerous breast diseases.
- Previous Radiation Treatment Therapy – Radiation therapy to the chest or breasts.
- Exposure to the Drug Diethylstilbestrol (DES) – Given to some pregnant women in the US between 1940 and 1971. Women who took DES, or whose mothers took DES while pregnant with them have a higher risk.
How can I decrease my risk for Breast Cancer?
To decrease your risk of breast cancer you can:
- Stay active
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Reduce or stop hormone replacement therapy
- Decrease or eliminate alcohol intake
Who can I see for Breast Cancer Screenings?
The below providers can answer your questions and support you through your breast cancer screening needs. Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is a C-Section?
A Cesarean Delivery (C-Section) is a surgical procedure that is done to deliver a baby through incisions in the abdomen and uterus.
Why Would I Need a C-Section?
If you did not elect for a C-Section, you may need a C-Section if you or your baby have complications that make a C-Section safer for you or your baby than a vaginal delivery.
Your provider may recommend a C-Section if:
- Your labor is not progressing
- Your baby is in distress
- Your baby is in an abnormal position
- You are carrying multiples
- There is a problem with your placenta
- Prolapsed umbilical cord
- Health concern
- Mechanical obstruction
- You have had a previous C-Section
Can I Have a C-Section as Part of My Birth Plan?
Yes! You can have a C-Section be part of your birth plan and can even schedule it ahead of time. However, sometimes babies do have a mind of their own and may come out naturally.
Your provider will walk you through your birthing options and what will work best for you!
Who Can Perform My C-Section?
Dr. Smith performs C-sections at Family Medical Specialties. He or your primary OB provider can walk you through the process and answer any questions you have.
Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Cardiac Monitoring?
Cardiac monitoring or heart monitoring uses a non-invasive medical device to diagnose or detect certain abnormalities with your heart or heart rhythm. An Electrocardiogram (EKG) is a standard cardiac monitoring diagnostic tool and can be done with a variety of medical devices like:
- Holter Monitor
- Event Recorder
- Mobile Cardiac Telemetry (MCT)
Why Would I Need an EKG?
Your provider may schedule you to get an EKG to detect or determine if you have or had:
- Arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythm)
- Coronary artery disease
- Heart attack
- Progress with heart disease treatments
- Chest Pain
- Dizziness, lightheadedness, or confusion
- Heart palpitations
- Rapid Pulse
- Shortness of breath
- Weakness, fatigue, or a decline in the ability to exercise
Who Can I Schedule an EKG With?
The following providers can order an EKG diagnostic test at Family Medical Specialties. They can answer any of your questions. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Chronic Disease Management?
Our Chronic Disease Management program is called Chronic Care Management or CCM.
CCM is a new Medicare/Medicaid program that helps those with two or more chronic conditions get access to the care they need in-between visits the moment they need it. It helps manage the most troublesome conditions and has been proven to improve your health.
Who Qualifies for Chronic Care Management?
You qualify for our CCM program if you have two or more chronic conditions like:
- Heart Disease
- High Blood Pressure
- High Cholesterol
- Chronic Kidney Disease
- Obesity
- Cancer
- Diabetes
- Stroke
- Arthritis
What Should I Expect If I Enroll in CCM?
As a participant in CCM, you will be given extra attention from our team month after month.
Your Care Team will:
- Create and share a tailored Care Plan to help guide you on how to best manage your health in-between your visits
- Send you 2 text messages per week as general check-ins to help you best manage your health and chronic conditions over time
- Call you to discuss more sensitive health-related information such as lab results, medication schedules and compliance, etc.
- Function as a resource to you so that scheduling appointments, refills, or referrals is easy and stress free
- Ensure you avoid unnecessary and costly hospital visits through ongoing care management and early intervention in times of need.
What Does CCM Require from Me as a Patient?
Our CCM Program requires nothing from you other than your engagement and response. We will be taking the time to help you best manage your health in between your visits, so your response and engagement is both required and appreciated.
Oftentimes patients find it most convenient to text instead of calling for:
- Scheduling appointments & requesting referrals
- Symptom or health-related questions
- Medication needs and refills
Please know that just like your medication, this program may have a small copay for some months. However, the prevention of one unnecessary hospital visit will save the average patient hundreds of dollars per prevented visit.
How Can I Enroll in the CCM Program?
The following providers can help you with Chronic Disease Management, answer your questions, and can enroll you into our CCM program if you qualify. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is a Colonoscopy?
Colonoscopies are endoscopy procedures that are common to screen for colon cancer. During the procedure, your doctor examines your colon and rectum for the polyps and growths that may form cancer. If a polyp or growth is found, they are removed, and a biopsy can be taken with the use of the endoscope (camera with a flexible tube) during the procedure and sent in for testing.
Learn more about Colorectal Cancer Screenings here: Blog Post – Endoscopy: Why you should STOP avoiding scheduling your Colorectal (Colon) Cancer Screening
Why Would I Need a Colonoscopy or Endoscopy?
You may need an endoscopy based on any symptoms you experience, if you are at an age where one is recommended, or if you have a family history for certain types of conditions that require screenings. For example, it is recommended to start colorectal (colon) cancer screenings prior to age 55, and age 40 or earlier if you have a family history.
Your provider will discuss your symptoms, perform a physical examination, and possibly order some tests before ordering an endoscopy. Some symptoms that may result in needing an endoscopy include:
- Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) – ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease
- Stomach ulcer
- Chronic constipation
- Pancreatitis
- Gallstones
- Unexplained bleeding in the digestive tract
- Tumors
- Infections
- Blockage of the esophagus
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
- Hiatal hernia
- Unusual vaginal bleeding
- Blood in urine
- Other digestive tract issues
How Do I Prepare for a Colonoscopy?
Your provider will walk you through the instructions on preparing as well as what to expect for the procedure. Typical preparations include:
- Stop eating solid food 12 hours before the procedure or longer, as directed by your provider.
- Stop drinking liquids up to 12 hours before the procedures, although some clear liquids (water and juice) may be allowed up to 2 hours prior. Check with your provider to double-check.
- Laxatives or enemas may be required to be taken the night before the procedure.
- A physical exam will be completed prior to the procedure.
- Stop taking certain medications for a set time prior to the procedure. Your provider will review your medication list and let you know if there are any medications that need to be stopped and for how long.
Who Can I Schedule My Colonoscopy With?
The following providers perform colonoscopies at Family Medical Specialties. They can answer any of your questions and walk you through this procedure. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is a Concussion?
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). It can be caused by a blow, bump, or jolt to the head either with or without loss of consciousness.
A concussion can lead to temporary cognitive symptoms that may appear immediately or may develop in hours or days after the injury. These symptoms include:
- Headache
- Confusion
- Lack of Coordination
- Memory Loss
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Dizziness
- Ringing in the Ears
- Sleepiness
- Excessive Fatigue
- Slow Reaction
What is a Concussion Test and How Does It work?
A Concussion test is performed by your provider to assess your brain function after head trauma. Your provider will measure your physical and mental skills such as:
- Balance
- Memory
- Concentration
- Problem Solving
- Attention Span
Who Can Diagnose a Concussion?
The following providers can diagnose a concussion at Family Medical Specialties. They can answer any of your questions and walk you through what to expect. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
Botox® is a non-surgical treatment that improves age-related wrinkles and frown lines. The simple treatment involves small injections to relax the tensed muscles and overlying wrinkled skin. Results typically last three to four months.
Botox® $10 Thursdays!
Every third Thursday, Botox® is only $10 a unit!
(Regular cost is $12 a unit. To receive the discount on Botox® units, appointment must be done on a third Thursday of the month.)
Pricing, Free Consultations, and Gift Certificates
For pricing of our cosmetic services or setting up a free consultation, please contact us.
Gift certificates for our cosmetic services are available to order by messaging us through the chat below or by texting us at 308-280-2295.
How Do I Schedule an Appointment?
Dr. Thelen and Katie Luthy, PA-C perform cosmetic and aesthetic services at our clinic, and they will walk you through the process and answer any questions you have.
To schedule an appointment, you can message us through the secure chat below, text our clinic at 308-280-2295 or give our clinic a call at 308-995-4431 and ask to set up a consultation!
Juvéderm® is an FDA-approved cosmetic filler that contains a modified form of hyaluronic acid (HA) providing results that last up to one year with one treatment. This treatment is used to correct wrinkles and folds as well as replace facial volume loss due to aging.
Juvéderm® can be used in facial and neck areas including nasolabial folds, lips, chin, neck, and more.
Pricing, Free Consultations, and Gift Certificates
For pricing of our cosmetic services or setting up a free consultation, please contact us.
Gift certificates for our cosmetic services are available to order by messaging us through the secure chat below or texting us at 308-280-2295.
How Do I Schedule an Appointment?
Dr. Thelen and Katie Luthy, PA-C perform cosmetic and aesthetic services at our clinic, and they will walk you through the process and answer any questions you have.
To schedule an appointment, you can message us through the secure chat below, text our clinic at 308-280-2295 or give our clinic a call at 308-995-4431 and ask to set up a consultation!
What is a DOT/CDL Physical and Who Would Need One?
We are certified to perform Department of Transportation (DOT) and Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Physicals.
A Department of Transportation (DOT)/ Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) physical is a physical exam that is required for individuals who drive commercial vehicles.
At your appointment, your provider determines that you are physically, mentally, and emotionally fit to drive commercial vehicles.
What to Expect at a DOT/CDL Physical?
Your DOT/CDL physical includes:
- Vision assessment
- Hearing assessment
- Blood pressure/pulse rate
- Urinalysis
- Physical Examination
What Should I Bring to My DOT/CDL Physical?
It is important to bring the below items to your DOT/CDL physical appointment:
- Complete list of medications (including dosage and dosage regimen)
- Physician names and addresses
- If vision impairment: Eyeglasses or contacts
- If hearing impairment: Hearing aids
- If diabetes: Most recent lab results (HgAIC) and blood sugar logs
- If heart-related issues: Letter from cardiologist outlining your medical history and current medications, and an indication that you are safe to work
Who Can I Schedule my DOT or CDL Physical With?
The following providers offer DOT and CDL Physicals at Family Medical Specialties. They can answer any of your questions and walk you through what to expect. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Dermatology?
Dermatology specializes in diseases and the condition of your skin, hair, nails, and some cosmetic problems.
What Can a Dermatology Appointment Help With?
A dermatology appointment can help you with any of the below conditions or questions:
- Acne
- Autoimmune diseases
- Dermatitis
- Hemangioma
- Itchy Skin
- Psoriasis
- Skin Cancer
- Skin Infections
- Rashes
- Warts
- Moles
- Spider and varicose veins
- Hair loss
- Nail conditions
- Cosmetic Services (Botox® or Juvederm ®)
Who Can I Schedule a Dermatology Appointment With?
The following providers offer Dermatology services at Family Medical Specialties. They can answer any of your questions and walk you through what to expect. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
Our Diagnostic Lab offers a variety of services to assist your provider in determining your medical condition before recommending a course of treatment.
Among the services we offer:
- DOT and non-DOT drug screens
- Spirometry breathing tests
- Heart Monitoring
– Event monitor
– Holter monitor
– Treadmill stress tests
What is an EGD?
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy or EGD for short is an endoscopic procedure that allows your doctor to examine your esophagus, stomach, and duodenum (part of your small intestine).
What is the difference between an upper and lower endoscopy?
The upper endoscopy is for the upper digestive system, this includes your esophagus (throat), stomach, and top part of your small intestine, and the endoscope is entered through your esophagus.
A lower endoscopy is used for the lower part of the digestive system, your lower gastrointestinal (GI) tract. This includes your colon and rectum.
Why Would I Need an EGD or Endoscopy?
You may need an endoscopy based on any symptoms you experience, if you are at an age where one is recommended, or if you have a family history for certain types of conditions that require screenings. For example, it is recommended to start colorectal (colon) cancer screenings prior to age 55, and age 40 or earlier if you have a family history.
Your provider will discuss your symptoms, perform a physical examination, and possibly order some tests before ordering an endoscopy. Some symptoms that may result in needing an endoscopy include:
- Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) – ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease
- Stomach ulcer
- Chronic constipation
- Pancreatitis
- Gallstones
- Unexplained bleeding in the digestive tract
- Tumors
- Infections
- Blockage of the esophagus
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
- Hiatal hernia
- Unusual vaginal bleeding
- Blood in urine
- Other digestive tract issues
How Do I Prepare for an EGD?
Your provider will walk you through the instructions on preparing as well as what to expect for the procedure. Typical preparations include:
- Stop eating solid foods up to 12 hours before the procedure
- Stop drinking liquids up to 12 hours before the procedures, although some clear liquids (water and juice) may be allowed up to 2 hours prior. We recommend confirming with your provider to make sure.
- Laxatives or enemas may be required to be taken the night before the procedure, as ordered by your provider.
- A physical exam will be completed prior to the procedure.
- Stop taking certain medications for a set time prior to the procedure. Your provider will review your medication list and let you know if there are any medications that need to be stopped and for how long.
Who Can I Schedule My EGD With?
The following providers perform EGDs (Upper GI Scopes) at Family Medical Specialties. They can answer any of your questions and walk you through this procedure. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is an Electrocardiogram (EKG)
In an Electrocardiogram (EKG), electrodes are placed on your skin to receive the impulses of your heartbeat and sends it to the electrogram to graph the voltage versus time of the electrical activity of your heart.
Why Would I Need an EKG?
Your provider may schedule you to get an EKG to detect or determine if you have or had:
- Arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythm)
- Coronary artery disease
- Heart attack
- Progress with heart disease treatments
- Chest Pain
- Dizziness, lightheadedness, or confusion
- Heart palpitations
- Rapid Pulse
- Shortness of breath
- Weakness, fatigue, or a decline in ability to exercise
Who Can I Schedule an EKG With?
The following providers can order an EKG diagnostic test at Family Medical Specialties. They can answer any of your questions. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Endoscopy?
Endoscopy is a procedure that uses an endoscope (sometimes paired with other tools) to look at and examine the inside of the body. Specifically, inside of hollow organs or body cavities.
What is an Endoscope?
The endoscope is the device used within the procedure. It is a camera with a long flexible tube that allows your doctor to see what the camera sees to closely examine and diagnose and/or screen for any issues without making large incisions.
What Are the Types of Endoscopy Procedures?
Several types of endoscopy procedures exist, those that use a natural body opening include:
- Colonoscopy: Colon and rectum
- Sigmoidoscopy: Rectum and sigmoid colon
- Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD): (Upper endoscopy) Esophagus, stomach, and upper small intestine
- Gastroscopy: Stomach
- Enteroscopy: Small intestine
- Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS): Chest, abdomen, and colon
- Endoscopic Retrograde: Bile and pancreatic ducts
- Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP): Bile and pancreatic ducts
Why Would I Need an Endoscopy?
You may need an endoscopy based on any symptoms you experience, if you are at an age where one is recommended, or if you have a family history for certain types of conditions that require screenings. For example, it is recommended to start colorectal (colon) cancer screenings prior to age 55, and age 40 or earlier if you have a family history.
Your provider will discuss your symptoms, perform a physical examination, and possibly order some tests before ordering an endoscopy. Some symptoms that may result in needing an endoscopy include:
- Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) – ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease
- Stomach ulcer
- Chronic constipation
- Pancreatitis
- Gallstones
- Unexplained bleeding in the digestive tract
- Tumors
- Infections
- Blockage of the esophagus
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
- Hiatal hernia
- Unusual vaginal bleeding
- Blood in urine
- Other digestive tract issues
How Do I Prepare for an Endoscopy Procedure?
Your provider will walk you through the instructions on preparing as well as what to expect for the procedure. Typical preparations include:
- Stop eating solid foods up to 12 hours before the procedure
- Stop drinking liquids up to 12 hours before the procedures, although some clear liquids (water and juice) may be allowed up to 2 hours prior. Check with your provider to double-check.
- Laxatives or enemas may be required to be taken the night before the procedure.
- A physical exam will be completed prior to the procedure.
- Stop taking certain medications for a set time prior to the procedure. Your provider will review your medication list and let you know if there are any medications that need to be stopped and for how long.
Who Can I Schedule My Endoscopy With?
The following providers perform endoscopy procedures at Family Medical Specialties. They can answer any of your questions and walk you through this procedure. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is an Event Monitor?
An Event Monitor is a portable cardiac monitoring diagnostic device similar to a Holter monitor that performs an Electrocardiogram (EKG), but it only records at certain times for a few minutes at a time. It is usually worn for 30 days, and you push a button when you start to feel symptoms, and some devices automatically record when abnormal rhythms are detected.
Why Would I Need to Wear an Event Monitor?
Your provider may schedule this test to detect or determine if you have or had:
- Arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythm)
- Coronary artery disease
- Heart attack
- Progress with heart disease treatments
- Chest Pain
- Dizziness, lightheadedness, or confusion
- Heart palpitations
- Rapid Pulse
- Shortness of breath
- Weakness, fatigue, or a decline in ability to exercise
Who Can Order an Event Monitor for Me?
The following providers can order an Event Monitor diagnostic test at Family Medical Specialties. They can answer any of your questions. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Family Practice Medicine?
Family Practice Medicine is a primary care specialty that provides continuing and comprehensive healthcare for individuals and their families of all ages, genders, diseases, and parts of the body. From regularly scheduled appointments for routine preventative care such as annual physicals and well-baby visits to appointments for acute illnesses or injuries that come up unexpectedly.
These providers usually hold the role of primary care provider, also known as the family physician or PCP, and build a strong relationship with you allowing them to react faster and tailor wellness plans specifically for your needs.
What are the Benefits of Having a Primary Care Provider?
There are uncountable benefits of having a primary care provider who is your “go-to” for your healthcare needs. We have listed some below:
- To Support Your Ongoing Health – Your primary care provider is not only there when you get the occasional cold, they are also there to monitor your health, develop wellness plans, and support you and your family on your health journey.
- Strong Relationship Based on Trust and Safety – Having a primary care provider allows you to have a safe and comfortable environment to go to them with any issue, concern, or question you may have. From that curious mole, or an embarrassing pain, to needing your prescription refilled. They are your go-to when you have a question.
- See’s Changes in Your Health – Your primary care provider sees you when you are well and when you are sick and knows your health progress. By seeing you regularly, they can see trends that allow them to possibly spot serious health issues in the early stages when they are easier to treat.
- Track Your Health Progress – They continuously provide you support and update your wellness plans as needed to help you meet your health goals.
- You Remain Healthier – Studies have shown that patients who have primary care providers are healthier than those that do not. They are more likely to regularly take and refill their medications and are more likely to get their regular screenings.
- Lower Health Care Costs – Preventative care is strongly tied to better health and lower costs, and many preventative care services are covered by your insurance. By doing your routine wellness exams, screenings and immunizations, you are more likely to avoid costly prescriptions and care later on.
- Your Guide to the Health Care System – When it comes to needing specialized care, your primary care provider is your guide. They will refer you and help you coordinate with the right specialist.
- You Have History – Over the course of years that you and your primary care provider work with you, they get to have a deep understanding of your family and health history. Knowing this information not only helps you save time at your appointment, but they know to keep their eye on certain health triggers while guiding you on your long-term health journey.
- They Support Your Whole Family – Having the same primary care provider for your whole family allows them to see the whole picture and can support your family from your prenatal ultrasounds, well-baby checks, school physicals, allergy tests, sports medicine, chronic disease management, to your geriatric care needs.
- They Specialize in You – They become your specialist and are with you every step of your journey, celebrating every health and life milestone.
Who Can Be My Primary Care Provider?
Learn more about our providers at Family Medical Specialties and schedule your appointment with them by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Geriatric Medicine?
Geriatric medicine is a medical specialty focusing on the health of aging adults who often have complex medical and psychosocial problems. Geriatric providers have special knowledge of the aging process in the body, and special skills in diagnostic, therapeutic, preventative, and rehabilitative aspects of illness in the elderly.
What Makes Geriatric Medicine Different?
As we get older, our needs continue to change, and our health needs to become more tailored and taken with a different approach. For example, a 20-year-old with knee pain most likely had a sports injury while a 75-year-old with knee pain may have cartilage damage and need a knee replacement.
This change in focus benefits us as we age and:
- Our mind and body become more vulnerable to stress, injuries, illnesses, and medication side effects.
- Develop multiple chronic illnesses, which is common, and the symptoms can overlap or interact, causing multiple medications to manage.
- Have chronic impairments of the body or mind because they don’t work as well as they used to, and we need to have our lifestyles change to adapt.
- Are at risk for geriatric syndromes like falling, incontinence, pain, and decline in independence.
- Need chronic caregiver involvement to manage some of our health and life tasks from a family member or caregiver.
What is Chronic Disease Management?
Our clinic also offers a Chronic Disease Management program called Chronic Care Management or CCM.
CCM is a new Medicare/Medicaid Program that helps those with two or more chronic conditions get access to the care they need in-between visits the moment they need it. It helps manage the most troublesome conditions and has been proven to improve your health.
If you are interested in enrolling in our CCM program, schedule an appointment with one of our providers today by messaging us through the secure chat below or texting us at 308-280-2295!
Who Can I see for My Geriatric Health?
The following providers would be happy to support you with your geriatric healthcare needs. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Gynecology aka GYNO?
Gynecology, also known as GYNO, is a medical specialty focused on the health of the female reproductive system.
At what age should my daughter have their first Gynecology appointment?
Typically, girls have their first gynecologic visit between the ages of 13 and 15, or when they have started menstruation.
If your daughter is younger than 13 and has not started puberty, you can schedule her an Adolescent Gynecology appointment. Learn more here: Teen and Pre-Teen Gynecology
Why would I need a Gynecology appointment?
It is recommended to have a gynecology appointment at least once a year for your annual screenings and wellness exam.
You should also schedule an appointment at any time you have questions or concerns related to your reproductive system. For example, if you are experiencing pelvic, vulvar, or vaginal pain or abnormal bleeding from your uterus.
Your provider can help you with issues related to pregnancy, fertility, menstruation, and menopause.
Who can help me with my Gynecology needs?
The below providers can support you and answer your questions regarding any of your Gynecology care needs. Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is a Holter Monitor?
A Holter Monitor is a small, wearable device that records a continuous electrocardiogram (EKG) device. It is usually worn for 24 to 48 hours.
Why Would I Need to Wear a Holter Monitor?
Your provider may have you wear a Holter Monitor to detect one of the following abnormalities that a single EKG test may not catch. Your heart may show an abnormality in the rhythm periodically instead of constantly.
- Arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythm)
- Coronary artery disease
- Heart attack
- Progress with heart disease treatments
- Chest Pain
- Dizziness, lightheadedness, or confusion
- Heart palpitations
- Rapid Pulse
- Shortness of breath
- Weakness, fatigue, or a decline in the ability to exercise
Who Can Order a Holter Monitor for Me?
The following providers can order a Holter Monitor diagnostic test at Family Medical Specialties. They can answer any of your questions. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Internal Medicine?
An Internal Medicine Specialist is also called an Internist (not to be confused with the term “intern;” An intern is a doctor who is completing training). An Internist mainly works with patients over the age of 18.
There are two sides to this specialty. Side “A” focuses on the laboratory science of healthcare. Utilizing diagnostic and evaluating tests and examining bloodwork. Side “B” centers around a personal approach to medicine. This dual combination allows Internists to have expansive knowledge in diagnosing and managing unusual, complex, or chronic medical conditions that involve multiple problems.
Internists are also well-versed when it comes to knowing how problems in one area of your body can affect other areas. For this reason, they are excellent at supporting those who have one or more chronic illnesses.
What questions should I ask my Internist?
- What may have caused my condition?
- Will it be permanent?
- How is my condition treated or managed?
- What will be the long-term effects on my life?
- How can I learn more about my condition?
- Do I need to see another specialist about my condition?
Why Would I See an Internist?
Your primary care provider may refer you or you can benefit from an Internist if you need comprehensive care for complex illnesses and or chronic conditions like:
- Heart Disease
- Diabetes
- Hypertension (High blood pressure)
- High Cholesterol
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Lung Disease
- Liver Disease
- Arthritis
- Infectious Disease
- Cancer
- Allergies
Can I See an Internist for My Annual Physical and Regular Cancer Screenings?
Yes! Having an annual physical or wellness exam and regular cancer screenings is important. Regular visits allow your doctor to pick up on your health trends and adjust your care plan accordingly. If your primary doctor is an internal medicine specialist, it is a good idea to see them for your annual physicals and cancer screenings as well.
Who Can I Work with For My Internal Medicine Needs?
Your primary care provider can refer you to an Internal Medicine Specialist as needed.
Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What are Joint Injections?
Joint injections are just what the name implies: Medication is injected through a needle into a joint space to relieve pain. Medicines that can be used include steroids to reduce inflammation and lubrication medications to alleviate pain from a decrease in joint cartilage. Joint injections can also be done with ultrasound guidance, which is particularly helpful in cases where the joint space is smaller potentially due to greater loss of cartilage in that joint.
Watch Dr. Haussler’s video below for more information about Joint Injections!
Who Qualifies for Joint Injections?
Prior to receiving a joint injection, over-the-counter pain medications like Tylenol will be tried to treat pain. If the joint pain persists, your provider may recommend a joint injection.
Joint Injections can be used to treat several conditions that cause pain within the joints, including inflammatory conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, wear and tear on cartilage, damage from a past injury, or repetitive movement.
Who Can Help Me with My Pain?
The following providers offer Joint Injections at Family Medical Specialties. They can answer any of your questions and walk you through this treatment option. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What are Labor and Delivery Services?
When your baby is ready to enter the world, we want to make sure you have a hospital staff that is dedicated to you. We will work with you to find the best fit in the facility to meet your birth plan needs.
Who Can Deliver My Baby?
The providers below can assist you with your birth. We partner with Phelps Memorial Health Center to perform natural and cesarean births. Schedule a prenatal appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
- Dr. Berney
- Dr. Ehresman
- Dr. Smith
- Dr. Thelen
- We also work with Dr. Tyler Adam, a local OB/GYN, who routinely travels to our clinic to provide his specialty knowledge and experience for patients in our area.
Who Can Perform C-Sections?
The below providers at Family Medical Specialties can perform a cesarean or c-section. They can answer your questions and walk you through what to expect.
Learn more: C-Section Services
Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
About our Family Medical Specialties Laboratory:
At our clinic, you won’t have to wait long for the results of most blood tests and other lab work. Our modern in-house laboratory is fully CLIA certified and accredited by the Commissioner of the Office of Laboratory Accreditation.
Our staff are well-qualified phlebotomists and technicians that have access to a full complement of up-to-date laboratory equipment including a state-of-the-art blood chemistry analyzer. Our laboratory offers a variety of tests to help diagnose, monitor, and treat our patients.
Among our laboratory services:
Our laboratory utilizes diagnostic equipment to support our providers in treating your care. We can perform tests including:
- Blood chemistry, including liver and kidney function, blood sugar, cholesterol, etc.
- Complete blood count
- Thyroid Function
- Urinalysis
- Pro-time / INR coagulation tests
- Pregnancy
- Vitamin D
- Influenza A and B, RSV, Strep, Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Arthritis, Anemia, Cardiac panels
- Outside lab tests for specialty physicians
As a convenience to our patients, the laboratory opens at 7:30 a.m. on weekdays and at 8:00 a.m. on Saturdays.
What is a Lactation Consultant or Specialist?
When you and your baby are beginning to breastfeed, there may be some difficulty in getting the baby to latch, maintaining a consistent feeding or pumping schedule, ensuring your baby is gaining weight appropriately, finding the correct flange size and shape, and more. We can support you by answering your questions and referring you to our Lactation Consultant on staff!

Meet our Lactation Consultant:
Mattie Sander, Lactation Consultant
Mattie started her nursing career as a labor and delivery nurse. When she had her first child, she realized the need for lactation support for mothers within our community. Mattie takes great pride in supporting mothers on their journey to feeding their babies.
Contact us to set up an appointment with Mattie!
Lactation Consultants and Specialists can help you with:
- Breast pain or infection evaluations, treatments, and preventions.
- Breast pump flange sizing
- Breastfeeding and bottle feeding positions
- Correct latch techniques
- Correct milk dosages for your baby
- Education on nursing multiples or babies with special needs
- Pump and milk storage training
- Answering all your baby feeding questions!
What causes breast pain or discomfort while breastfeeding?
If you are experiencing pain or discomfort while breastfeeding, there are a few causes that may be behind it:
Breast Engorgement
During the first 2-5 days after giving birth, it is normal to have larger breasts as your milk supply increases. By nursing or pumping every 2-3 hours, this discomfort or feeling should decrease and go away.
If engorgement continues, your breasts can become painful, and a breast infection can occur. The longer you wait to breastfeed or pump, the more uncomfortable and fuller your breasts may get. Increasing the risk of a breast infection to occur.
If you have attempted some intervention to improve the situation, and the discomfort or pain has not gone away, please contact your provider.
Clogged or Plugged Milk Duct
If a milk duct gets plugged, you may feel a lump under the skin where the duct is plugged or feel pain in an area of your breast. You may help improve the patency of the duct if you:
- Take warm showers
- Use a warm compress on the area
- Massage the area multiple times a day, and even while nursing or pumping
- When breastfeeding your baby, position their chin so it points to the clogged area
- Apply a cold compress between feedings
- If the lump doesn’t go away within a couple of days, or if you have a fever, chills, aches, or red streaking on your breasts, call your provider.
Mastitis is an inflammation in the breast that causes soreness, red streaks, hardened red areas, and sometimes fever and chills. If you experience these symptoms or think you have mastitis, call your provider. In the meantime, continue to nurse or pump and alternate between using a warm compress and a gentle massage before nursing/pumping, and then apply a cold compress after.
Other Nipple Pain and Damage
There are several factors that could cause nipple pain, damage, blisters, and/or wounds. An important first step is to determine what is causing the issues to 1) prevent further damage, and 2) help develop the best plan of treatment.
There are several over the counter (OTC) nipple ointments available to help relieve pain from damaged, blistered, cracked, and wounded nipples. However, it is important to note that these OTC creams do not have the healing properties that prescription strength medications have. If you are experiencing nipple pain and/or damage, please contact your provider to receive a prescription and treatment plan to help you heal and prevent further damage/pain.
Contact us today to set up an appointment through the secure messaging app on our website, or text us at 308-280-2295!
Who can answer my breastfeeding questions?
All of our providers can answer your questions regarding breastfeeding and help you with breast pain issues. Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
DiolazeXL is an advanced laser hair reduction procedure used to gently reduce unwanted hair.
Safety, comfort, and speed are the cornerstones of the DiolazeXL laser hair reduction treatment.
Pricing, Free Consultations, and Gift Certificates
For pricing of our cosmetic services or setting up a free consultation, please contact us.
Gift certificates for our cosmetic services are available to order by messaging us through the chat below or by texting us at 308-280-2295.
How Do I Schedule an Appointment?
Dr. Thelen and Katie Luthy, PA-C perform cosmetic and aesthetic services at our clinic, and they will walk you through the process and answer any questions you have.
To schedule an appointment, you can message us through the secure chat below, text our clinic at 308-280-2295 or give our clinic a call at 308-995-4431 and ask to set up a consultation!
What is a Mammogram?
A Mammogram is a screening tool that uses low-energy X-ray used to examine breast tissue.
Is a Mammogram Painful?
Each person experiences mammograms differently. Most women feel pressure and some discomfort during the process. The pressure against the breasts from the testing equipment can cause varying degrees of discomfort and pain, and this is normal.
When Should I Get a Mammogram?
Mammograms are recommended to become part of your annual wellness plan starting at the age of 40. For those who are at higher risk for breast cancer or other non-cancerous diseases should start earlier.
Talk to your provider if you are at a higher risk or have questions about whether you qualify for a mammogram. They will develop the care plan to best fit your needs.
Who Can Order a Mammogram?
The below providers can support you through your breast screening needs. Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is a Medication Managed Migraine Treatment?
Individuals who suffer from acute or chronic migraine headaches can respond to various medications differently. From a prescription of routine or as-needed medications to the possible appointment scheduled lidocaine injections. This form of treatment is focused on finding the best medication-based solution to help you find relief.
Who Qualifies for Medication Managed Migraine Treatment?
Individuals who qualify for Medication Managed Migraine Treatments, suffer from acute or chronic migraine headaches and whose symptoms do not subside with the aid of over-the-counter medications.
Who Can Help Me with My Pain?
Dr. Smith and Katie Luthy, PA-C offer this service at our clinic, and they will walk you through the process and answer any questions you have.
Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Menopause?
Menopause is a natural time in a woman’s life that officially starts 12 months after the last menstruation. It is when your ovaries stop releasing eggs and stop producing hormones.
At what age does Menopause typically start?
Typically, the process of starting menopause starts between the ages of 40 and 50s. The national average is 51. Some women start later and others earlier depending on their unique biological makeup and situation.
What are the symptoms of Menopause?
Perimenopause is the months or years leading up to menopause. During this time, you may experience the below signs and symptoms:
- Irregular periods
- Vaginal dryness
- Hot Flashes
- Chills
- Night sweats
- Difficulty sleeping
- Mood changes
- Weight gain
- Slowed metabolism
- Thinning hair
- Dry skin
- Loss of breast fullness
What are some treatments for Menopause?
Treatments for menopause focus on symptomatic relief. There are medications and medical aids that can reduce the severity and frequency of some symptoms. Oral hormone therapy may be recommended in special circumstances.
Your provider will work with you to build the best care plan to meet your needs and support you during this life transition.
Does a hysterectomy trigger Menopause?
If you have a partial hysterectomy (ovaries stay intact), you should not have perimenopause symptoms right away. There is a chance that you will start to experience symptoms a few years younger than the national average (51 years).
If you have a total or radical hysterectomy that removes your ovaries, you will start to experience menopause immediately after the operation. This is also known as surgical menopause.
Who can help me with my transition through Menopause?
The providers below can support you and answer your questions regarding any of your menopausal care needs. Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
Your Mental Health is a large part of your overall health. We can support you and perform evaluations for conditions like Autism, Asperger’s, and ADHD. If you have any other questions or concerns about other Mental Health conditions or disorders, we can recommend and refer you to a counselor that will fit your needs.
What is Mental Health?
Mental Health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being through every stage of life. These elements affect how we think, feel, and act. They can also determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.
Is Mental Health care covered by Insurance?
Most Mental Health care is covered by insurance. We recommend double-checking with your insurance for their coverages as well as limits/caps.
What are some types of Mental Health?
Mental Health covers a large spectrum of conditions and disorders. The below list covers some of the more common types:
- Addiction Health
- Depression
- Bi-polar
- ADHD (evaluations available at Family Medical Specialties)
- Spectrum Behavioral Disorders (evaluations available at Family Medical Specialties)
- Autism
- Asperger’s
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Schizophrenia
- Anxiety
- Dementia
- Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Eating Disorders
- Anorexia
- Bulimia
- Binge Eating
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Where can I learn more about Mental Health?
Here are some helpful Mental Health resources:
- Mental Health America
- Mental Health Association – Nebraska
- Mental Health Association of South Central Kansas
- National Alliance on Mental Health
Who can help me with my mental health?
The below providers can support you and answer your questions regarding your Mental Health needs. Message us through the secure chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 to schedule an appointment today!
What is Mirena®?
Mirena® is an intrauterine device (IUD) to provide birth control through the hormone progestin. It is placed within the uterus, over 99% effective, and lasts from 3 to 6 years.
Where Can I Learn More About Mirena®?
You can talk to your primary care provider to see if Mirena® is right for you and to answer your questions.
You can also learn more about Mirena® here:
Who Can Place Mirena®?
The following providers can place Mirena® at Family Medical Specialties. They can answer any of your questions and walk you through what to expect during placement. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Nexplanon®?
Nexplanon® is a contraceptive implant that is a small rod inserted under the skin of a woman’s upper arm to provide birth control. It is over 99% effective and lasts up to 3 years.
Where Can I Learn More About Nexplanon®?
You can talk to your primary care provider to see if Nexplanon® is right for you and to answer your questions.
You can also learn more about Nexplanon® here:
Who Can Place Nexplanon®?
The following providers can place Nexplanon® at Family Medical Specialties. They can answer any of your questions and walk you through what to expect during placement. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is an Obstetrics (OB) Ultrasound?
An Obstetric (OB) ultrasonography or OB Ultrasound uses sound waves to create real-time visual images of an embryo or fetus while in your uterus.
What Is an OB Ultrasound Used For?
An OB Ultrasound is not only used to take pictures of your baby while in the womb but also a diagnostic tool used to:
- Determine the gestational age of the fetus (used to determine your due date)
- Check the baby’s position within the uterus
- Find a cause if there is bleeding during pregnancy
- Assess the anatomy and growth progress of the baby
- Identify if there are multiple gestations (Twins, Triples, etc.)
- First-trimester screening for chromosomal abnormalities
- Guiding amniocentesis or chronic villus sampling (CVS) procedures (tests that help identify chromosomal abnormalities)
When Do I Need an OB Ultrasound?
When and how many OB ultrasounds you need throughout your pregnancy depends on your and your baby’s unique needs. Your provider will discuss this with you.
Here are some types of ultrasounds and the gestation weeks they typically occur:
- First Ultrasound: 7-8 weeks – Used to verify your due date, look for a fetal heartbeat, and measure the length of the baby.
- Genetic Screening Ultrasound: 12-13 Weeks – Used to look for indicators of chromosomal disorders. This genetic screening ultrasound is optional.
- Basic Anatomy Scan Ultrasound: 20 Weeks – Used to look at the baby’s organ systems, baby’s position within the uterus, and baby’s size.
- Cervical Length Ultrasound: 16,18, 20, and 22 Weeks – Used to measure your cervical length, not always needed.
- Growth Ultrasounds: 28, 32, and 36 weeks – Used to track the growth of your baby
Who Can Do My OB Ultrasound?
The following providers can do your OB Ultrasounds. They will answer any of your questions and walk you through what to expect.
Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Obstetrics aka OB?
Obstetrics is a medical practice that specializes in the health of the woman and a baby throughout pregnancy, delivery, and the immediate period following childbirth.
Pregnancy is a time of tremendous change throughout a woman’s body, including increases in plasma and blood volume, adjustments in hormonal levels, and pulmonary activity. Regular checkups allow early identification and treatment of potential complications as well as presenting an opportunity to provide advice about normal but uncomfortable developments such as morning sickness or indigestion, swollen feet, and shortness of breath. Fetal assessments through ultrasounds or tests such as amniocentesis help detect anomalies and identify genetic diseases. Our specialists are also prepared for obstetric emergencies such as ectopic pregnancies and pre-eclampsia.
When do I need to schedule an Obstetrics appointment?
Schedule an appointment as soon as you find out that you are pregnant! Typically, the first appointment will happen when you are around 8 weeks pregnant.
Who Can Help Me with Me and My Baby’s OB Needs?
The following providers can help you with you and your baby’s Obstetric (OB) needs. They will answer any of your questions and walk you through what to expect when expecting! Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment?
Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) is a set of hands-on techniques used by osteopathic physicians (DOs) to diagnose, treat, and prevent illness or injury.
OMT helps patients find relief from muscle pain, migraines, and carpal tunnel by moving muscles and joints with stretching, gentle pressure, and resistance.
Learn more about Osteopathic Manipulative Treatments in Dr. Thelen’s Video Below!
What Can OMT Help With?
OMT can help patients of all ages and backgrounds to ease pain, promote healing and increase overall mobility.
In addition to muscle pain, OMT can also help with several other health problems, including:
- Asthma
- Sinus disorders
- Carpal Tunnel syndrome
- Migraines
- Menstrual Pain
- Structural and tissue abnormalities
- Joint restriction and misalignment
- Muscle and tissue balance
What is the Difference Between OMT and Chiropractic Adjustments?
When a doctor uses OMT, they move the patient’s joints and muscles using stretching, resistance, and gentle pressure to help realign the body. When a chiropractor makes an adjustment, the use of force, leverage, direction, and velocity is targeted toward specific joints and anatomical regions.
Both procedures are similar, it comes down to what kind of treatment you are looking for. Osteopathic Physicians utilize their degree and training to provide healthcare for the whole person and the well-being of the mind, body, and spirit. A chiropractor uses their training to provide treatment to help align the spine, which can reduce pain or provide relief from ailments.
Who Can Help Me with My Pain?
Dr. Thelen offers this OMT Services at our clinic, and she will walk you through the process and answer any questions you have.
Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is ParaGard®?
ParaGard® is a hormone-free intrauterine device (IUD) to provide birth control utilizing copper. It is placed within the uterus, is over 99% effective, and lasts up to 10 years.
Where Can I Learn More About ParaGard®?
You can talk to your primary care provider to see if ParaGard® is right for you and to answer your questions.
You can also learn more about ParaGard® here:
Who Can Place ParaGard®?
The following providers can place ParaGard® at Family Medical Specialties. They can answer any of your questions and walk you through what to expect during placement.
Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Pediatric Medicine?
Pediatric Medicine is a practice specializing in the health and well-being of infants, children, and adolescents. Pediatric specialists have expertise in evaluating newborn development and treating common childhood illnesses as well as identifying and addressing genetic issues and behavioral concerns.
Children are not just smaller versions of adults, so the appropriate choice of medications and other treatment techniques can be completely different. Children are minors and cannot make medical decisions for themselves, so the pediatrician must be able to communicate effectively to both the child and the parents, and sometimes the whole family.
Who Can My Child See?
The following providers offer pediatric care services at Family Medical Specialties. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Prenatal Care?
Prenatal Care or antenatal care is preventative healthcare that focuses on keeping you and your baby healthy.
Why would I or my unborn baby need Prenatal Care?
Prenatal care allows your provider to spot any health problems early through regular checkups and prenatal tests. Early treatments can cure many problems and prevent others.
Some conditions your provider is looking out for include:
- Abnormal sonogram finding
- Advanced maternal age (35+)
- Multiples
- Preterm labor
- Positive genetic screen
- Patient or family history of genetic and/or chromosomal disorders
- Previous pregnancy loss
- Diabetes
- Unhealthy body mass index (BMI)
- High blood pressure
- Infectious disease in pregnancy
- Fetal growth concerns
- Cervical insufficiencies
- Exposure to medications, radiation, alcohol, or drugs
- Previous pregnancy complications (example: preeclampsia)
- Preterm premature rupture of the membranes (PPROM)
Who can help me with my Prenatal Care?
Your provider can answer your questions regarding any of your and your baby’s prenatal care needs. Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Radiology?
Radiology, also known as diagnostic imaging, is a medical discipline specialized in reviewing images of the body’s organs and bones to interpret and diagnose.
What is an X-Ray?
An x-ray (radiograph) is a noninvasive medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions by exposing a part of the body to a small dose of ionizing radiation to produce images of the inside of the body. X-rays are the oldest and most frequently used form of medical imaging.
The latest advance in radiology is the digital x-ray. Our state-of-the-art Siemens Multix Fusion x-ray system uses no film at all and produces a highly detailed x-ray image in as little as 10 seconds, making the entire experience more comfortable and convenient for our patients.
In addition, the digital x-ray allows our physicians to enlarge an area of interest for closer examination, easily store and retrieve images, and even transmit them electronically for review by another doctor.
Why Would I Need an X-Ray?
Your provider may have you get an X-ray to confirm or diagnose several conditions, including:
- Bone Fracture
- Internal Injuries
- Bronchitis
- Digestive Issues
- Bone Deformity
Who Can Help Me Get an X-Ray?
All of our providers can order an x-ray to help you with your treatment needs. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What are Recovery and Postpartum Care Services?
After delivering your little bundle of joy, your focus is centered around them. However, it is also important to make sure that your mental, emotional, and physical health is the best it can be to support your new baby. We can help you with:
- Pairing you with a lactation specialist
- Post-delivery examinations
- Postpartum guidance
- Vaginal soreness
- Hemorrhoids
- Urination problems
- Emotional changes
What Can I Expect at a Postpartum Checkup?
Postpartum and recovery checkups are key to making sure you, as a new mom, stay healthy. In the weeks after you give birth, many mothers struggle with pain, fatigue, anxiety, and other concerns. We can help you with these worries, so do not feel embarrassed to ask for help. We can provide care and treatment that can make life better for you and your family.
What to expect:
Physical examination
Questions to gauge your mental, emotional, and physical health
- Depression, anxiety, or both
- Difficulty with feeding or other newborn care
- Poor sleep, fatigue, pain, or bleeding
- Incontinence or pain when urinating
- Constipation and/or gas
- Emotional support
Questions and discussion about your sexual health
- Sex: when it is safe to start having it again and what to do if you have pain or concerns about low interest in the activity
- Birth Control: discussions about interest and what method is best for you
- Future Pregnancies: discussions about timing
Who Can Help Me with My Recovery and Postpartum Care?
The below providers can support you through your recovery and postpartum care needs. Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Reproductive Health?
Reproductive Health refers to the condition of female and male reproductive organ systems during all stages of life.
What is the difference between Sexual Medicine and Reproductive Health?
Sexual medicine addresses disorders of the sexual organs or psyche as it relates to sexual pleasure, mental health, and well-being.
Reproductive medicine addresses disorders of organs that affect reproductive potential.
What type of treatments can help grow our family?
Some of the reproductive health treatments currently in practice include:
- Fertility counseling, testing, and treatment
- Egg donor programs
- Ovulation induction
- Intrauterine insemination
- Laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery
- Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies
- Preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic or single-gene defects
- In vitro fertilization
- Fertility preservation and planning
- Adoption
Your provider will walk through all the options and work with you to develop the best care plan to meet your needs.
What type of contraception (birth control) is available?
There are several forms of contraception methods including intrauterine contraception, hormonal and barrier methods, and permanent birth control (sterilization).
The contraception options available at Family Medical Specialties include:
- Mirena (hormonal intrauterine)
- Nexplanon (hormonal implant)
- ParaGard (non-hormonal intrauterine)
- Vasectomy (outpatient procedure)
- Birth Control Pills
- Vaginal Ring
- Skin Patch
- Contraception Injection
Who can help me with my Reproductive Health needs?
The providers below can answer your questions regarding reproductive health and refer you to the best fitting specialist for your needs. Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
We take pride in supporting your child from all sides in their development by focusing on their mental, emotional, and physical health.
Who Can I Schedule a Sports Physical With?
The following providers do Annual Child Wellness Exams at Family Medical Specialties. They can answer any of your questions and walk you through what to expect. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is considered Sexual Assault?
Sexual assault is defined as sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the victim. Some instances of sexual assault include fondling, unwanted sexual touching, attempted rape, and forcing a victim to perform sexual acts.
What is considered Domestic Violence?
Domestic Violence or Domestic Abuse is when there is a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to maintain or gain power and control over a partner. This can be in the form of physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological actions or threats of actions.
What should I do if I am or have experienced Sexual Assault or Domestic Violence?
Our highest priority is to make sure you feel secure and supported throughout the process of physical and emotional recovery.
After experiencing a trauma, you have the important decision of choosing where to seek help. We want you to know that we understand this is a very personal decision, and any time is the right time. Your local Emergency Room will be able to perform an exam and provide you with quality care.
Please note that seeking treatment within 120 hours (5 days) of an assault is critical for the following:
- Medical screening and assessment
- Emotional support
- Identification, care, and documentation of any injuries
- Preventative treatment (STDs, including HIV)
- Emergency pregnancy prevention
- Advocacy
- Counseling referrals
- Health-related follow-up referrals and recommendations
- Collection of evidence
To aid with evidence collection, it is recommended to not change clothes, bathe, shower, use the restroom, or cleanse in any way prior to your exam. Also, try not to eat, drink, or smoke before your exam. We also want you to know that collection of evidence is still possible if you have done anything previously listed, and it should NOT prevent you from seeking care.
NOTE: Within the state of Nebraska, sexual assault forensic evidence cannot be used to prosecute a survivor for misdemeanors or some drug crimes.
When you are ready, our providers are here to provide emotional, physical, and mental support and answer your questions.
Who can help me with my Sexual Assault or Domestic Violence care needs?
The below providers can support you and answer your questions regarding your Sexual Assault or Domestic Violence care needs and help you find a local Emergency Room for an exam if needed. Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Sexual Medicine?
Sexual Medicine focuses on education, diagnosing, treatment, and prevention of sexual disorders.
What can Sexual Medicine help me with?
At a Sexual Medicine appointment, your provider can help you with items like:
- Sexual dysfunction
- Sex education
- Sex development disorders
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Puberty
- Reproductive system diseases
What is the difference between Sexual Medicine and Reproductive Health?
Sexual medicine addresses disorders of the sexual organs or psyche as it relates to sexual pleasure, mental health, and well-being.
Reproductive medicine addresses disorders of organs that affect reproductive potential.
Who can help me with my Sexual Medicine needs?
The providers below can answer your questions regarding any of your Sexual Medicine needs. Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Skin Cancer?
Skin cancer is a fast-growing group of abnormal cells in the outmost layer of your skin (the epidermis) caused by unrepaired DNA damage that triggers mutations. These triggers are mainly caused by harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun and tanning beds. These mutations cause skin cells to multiply rapidly and form malignant tumors.
The most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma (BBC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), melanoma, and Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC).
If caught early, your provider or dermatologist can treat it with little or no scarring, and there is a high probability of it being removed entirely. Often, your doctor can detect the growth at a precancerous stage.
Learn more about the different types of skin cancer here:
How can you get Skin Cancer?
Skin cancer is mainly caused by exposure to harmful UV rays from the sun and/or tanning beds. Protecting your skin from exposure to these sources reduces your risk.
Who is at a higher risk of getting Skin Cancer?
Below is a list of risk factors that can increase your chance of skin cancer:
- Indoor Tanning
- Sunburns
- Skin Type
- Take the quiz to find your skin type here:
- Unprotected exposure to UVA & UVB Rays
- Genetics
- Atypical Moles
- Organ Transplant
- Red Hair
How can I reduce my risk of Skin Cancer?
Protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays by:
- Using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF daily (15 or higher reduces risk)
- Enjoying the shade when possible
- Wearing sun-protective clothing
- Using protective window film in your car and home
- Scheduling annual skin exams with your provider
- Doing monthly self-exams
- Eating a healthy diet
What are the signs and symptoms of Skin Cancer?
Skin cancer can appear in many shapes and sizes, this is why knowing what to look for doing your monthly self-exams are important. If you see something that is new, changing, or unusual, get checked by your provider or dermatologist right away!
What to look for:
- Growths that increase in size and have a pearly, transparent, tan, brown, black, or multicolored appearance.
- Moles, birthmarks, or brown spots that have changed colors or textures, have increased in size and thickness, or are bigger than a pencil eraser.
- Spots or sores that continue to itch, hurt, crust, scab, or bleed.
- Open sores that do not heal within three weeks.
How do I perform a self-examination?
Did you know that about half of melanomas are self-detected? It is recommended to do self-examinations on a monthly basis.
Learn how to perform a self-examination here:
What do I do if I think I have Skin Cancer?
If you believe that a growth, mole, birthmark, brown spot, sore, or open wound may be skin cancer, schedule an appointment with your provider or dermatologist. They will check your area of concern, and if there is a possibility of skin cancer, they will run tests to confirm. If the test, comes back positive, they will work with you to develop the best treatment plan for you.
Is my sunscreen recalled?
To see if your sunscreen has been recalled, please visit check out the list on the website here:
Does sun protection have additional benefits outside of reducing the risk of Skin Cancer?
Yes! In addition to reducing your risk for skin cancer, protecting yourself from harmful UV rays can help you avoid premature wrinkles and fine lines, skin damage, sunburns, blotchy skin, and hyperpigmentation.
Want to learn more or help spread awareness of Skin Cancer? Check out these amazing resources:
- The Skin Cancer Foundation
- The American Academy of Dermatology Association
- The American Cancer Society
Who can I schedule a Skin Cancer screening or assessment with?
The below providers can support you through your skin cancer screening needs. Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
What Skin Renewal Services do you offer?
We offer the below Skin Renewal Services:
- Cosmetic Botox®
- Skin Tightening Treatment for face and body // Morpheus8
- Skin Renewal & Clarity // Lumecca
- Laser Hair Reduction // DiolazeXL
- Cosmetic Fillers – Juvéderm®
- Accutane Acne Treatment
Who can help me with my Skin Renewal needs?
Dr. Thelen and Katie Luthy, PA-C specialize in this treatment regimen at our clinic, and they will walk you through the process and answer any questions you have.
Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
Lumecca uses intense pulsed light (IPL) to treat pigmented and vascular lesions.
Individuals notice significant improvements in the complexion and clarity of the skin after just one use.
Pricing, Free Consultations, and Gift Certificates
For pricing of our cosmetic services or setting up a free consultation, please contact us.
Gift certificates for our cosmetic services are available to order by messaging us through the chat below or by texting us at 308-280-2295.
How Do I Schedule an Appointment?
Dr. Thelen and Katie Luthy, PA-C perform cosmetic and aesthetic services at our clinic, and they will walk you through the process and answer any questions you have.
To schedule an appointment, you can message us through the secure chat below, text our clinic at 308-280-2295 or give our clinic a call at 308-995-4431 and ask to set up a consultation!
Morpheus8 (M8) for Body is the latest radiofrequency microneedling technology FDA approved for deep tissue remodeling. This minimally invasive treatment tightens skin, liquefies fat, and reduces the appearance of cellulite, all while improving the overall tone and texture of the skin.
Morpheus8 for face
Morpheus8 is also used on facial areas that can benefit from sub-dermal renewal.
Pricing, Free Consultations, and Gift Certificates
For pricing of our cosmetic services or setting up a free consultation, please contact us.
Gift certificates for our cosmetic services are available to order by messaging us through the chat below or by texting us at 308-280-2295.
How Do I Schedule an Appointment?
Dr. Thelen and Katie Luthy, PA-C perform cosmetic and aesthetic services at our clinic, and they will walk you through the process and answer any questions you have.
To schedule an appointment, you can message us through the secure chat below, text our clinic at 308-280-2295 or give our clinic a call at 308-995-4431 and ask to set up a consultation!
What is a Spirometry Breathing Test?
A spirometry breathing test measures how much air you can breathe in and out of your lungs.
Why Would I Need a Spirometry Breathing Test?
Your provider may order a spirometry breathing test if you are experiencing:
- Wheezing
- Shortness of breath
- Coughing
How is a Spirometry Breathing Test Performed?
A Spirometry Breathing Test is performed by you breathing into a mouthpiece that is connected to an instrument called a spirometer. This device measures and records the rate and amount of air that you are breathing in and out over a period of time. You perform this test while sitting.
Who Can Order Me a Spirometry Breathing Test?
All our providers can order a Spirometry Breathing Test. They can answer your questions and see if this diagnostic test is needed for you. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Sports Medicine?
Sports medicine focuses on physical fitness and the treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal (bones and muscles) injuries that have or can occur due to sports and exercise activities.
Why Would an Appointment with A Provider Who Specializes in Sports Medicine Benefit Me or My Child?
If you or your child participate in sports, exercise, or have an active lifestyle, they will look at your physical fitness and musculoskeletal system (bones and muscles) by how your body works to perform various movements. With this knowledge, they understand what types of movement cause an injury, how to avoid certain activities and movements to prevent injury or worsen a current injury, decrease recovery time, and ultimately work with you to get back on the court, field, or fairway.
If I Don’t Work Out or Participate in Sports, Can I Still See a Sports Medicine Specialist?
Not all injuries happen on the field, several happen on the farm, doing yard work, car accidents, and can even happen while roughhousing with the kids.
So, even if you do not participate in sports or work out, seeing a provider with a sports medicine specialist is beneficial for any type of injury affecting the musculoskeletal system (bones, tendons, ligaments, and muscles.)
Who Can Help Me with My Pain?
The following providers specialize in Sports Medicine at Family Medical Specialties. They can answer any of your questions and walk you through this treatment option. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What are Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)?
Sexually Transmitted Infections are infections passed from one person to another through sexual contact.
Some can be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. If you have an STI and are pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult with your doctor to discuss the best plan of treatment and prevention.
What are common STIs?
There are more than 30 different bacteria, viruses, and parasites known to be transmitted through sexual contact. The 8 most common include 4 that are currently curable and 4 that are currently incurable.
Currently Curable:
- Syphilis
- Gonorrhea
- Chlamydia
- Trichomoniasis
Currently Incurable:
- Hepatitis B
- Herpes simplex Virus (HSV or herpes)
- Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Should I get tested for STIs?
It is important to get tested for STIs because a person can have an STI without knowing it. In many cases, there are not any signs or symptoms.
It is recommended that you should get tested for STIs if you are sexually active (especially if you or your partner are engaging sexually with multiple partners), have done recreational intravenous (IV) drugs, or have been forced to engage in sexual activity against your will.
Additional Testing Recommendations for Specific STIs:
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea:
- Sexually active with new or multiple partners
- Have HIV
HIV, Syphilis, and Hepatitis:
- Are born between 1945 and 1965
- Test positive for another STI
- Sexually active with multiple or new partners
- Use intravenous (IV) drugs
- Are pregnant or planning to become pregnant
Who can order STI Tests and Screenings for me?
The below providers can perform screenings and order tests for your STI needs. Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
Why should I seek Women’s healthcare for my young daughter?
In most cases, your daughter’s first appointment is an opportunity to talk about her development and establish a relationship with her provider. Visits may include education about risky behavior such as smoking, vaping, drug and alcohol abuse, and unprotected sex.
What is Adolescent Gynecology?
Our providers offer gynecology care to women of all ages, and adolescent gynecology is health care for young women to provide support as their bodies go through puberty and grow into adulthood. It is appropriate for girls to start gynecologic care after age 13.
How Do I Know if My Daughter Has Started Puberty?
The first sign of puberty is breast development, and this typically starts around the age of 10, although some girls do develop later, and others start earlier.
When Will My Daughter Start Her First Period?
Within the United States, the menarche (life event of getting one’s first period) typically occurs around the age of 12 and a half. On average, the first period occurs 2 years after breast development begins. So, if your daughter’s breasts started developing earlier than 10 years of age (the average) then she may have her first period earlier. If she started her breast development after 10, she may have her first period later. Each girl is unique, and the timeframe of the menarche is hard to pinpoint.
Will My Daughter Get Taller After She Starts Her Period?
Typically, a girl’s biggest growth spurt is just before she starts her period. A girl may grow slightly after her first period.
What Care Can an Adolescent Gynecology Visit Help My Teenage Daughter With?
Our team can offer your teenage daughter guidance and treatment with a variety of care, including:
- Menstrual problems
- Ovarian cysts
- Pelvic pain
- Congenital anomalies
- Genital injuries
- Pelvic and urinary infections
Who Can My Daughter See for an Adolescent Gynecology Appointment?
The following providers can see your daughter for her gynecology needs. They can answer any of your questions and walk you through what to expect at the appointment!
Schedule your appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
With our Telehealth virtual visits, you can see one of our providers from the comfort and safety of your home! All you’ll need is a laptop, tablet, or smartphone with a camera, microphone, and a strong wifi connection!
Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
- How to join a video visit from your phone: Telehealth Phone Guide
- How to join a video visit from your computer:Telehealth Computer Guide
- Troubleshooting Guide: Telehealth Troubleshooting Guide
What is a Treadmill Exercise Stress Test?
A treadmill exercise stress test is a form of a cardiac stress test performed on a treadmill. It helps your provider see how your heart handles external stress in a controlled environment.
How is a Treadmill Exercise Stress Test Performed?
A treadmill exercise stress test involves you walking on a treadmill while medical devices monitor your breathing, blood pressure, heart rate, and heart rhythm.
Why Would I Need a Treadmill Exercise Stress Test?
Your primary care provider may have you perform a treadmill exercise stress test to diagnose medical conditions like coronary artery disease. The test allows your provider to:
- Assess Your Blood Flow
- Assess Your Heart Rhythm
- Confirm a Heart Condition
- Treat a Heart Condition
- Determine a Fitness Plan
Who Can Order Me a Treadmill Exercise Stress Test?
All our providers can order you to have a treadmill exercise stress test. They can answer your questions and see if this diagnostic test is needed for you. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What are Trigger Points?
Trigger points are isolated, major, hyperirritable spots located in tight bands of skeletal muscle. These points cause local pain because the affected muscles can’t relax. They can be caused by acute muscle injury and/or continual muscle stress, and often occur along with chronic musculoskeletal disorders like fibromyalgia, tension headaches, and myofascial pain syndrome.
What are Trigger Point Injections and How do They Work?
Trigger point injections work to soothe muscle pain by inserting a needle directly inside the painful muscle “knots” to inject medication, which makes the trigger point inactive and relieves pain. The medication may be a single solution or a combination of an anesthetic such as lidocaine, bupivacaine, or a corticosteroid.
“Dry Needling” is another form to help with trigger point pain relief that follows the same process, only this treatment does not include injection of medicine after needle insertion.
Who Can Help Me with My Pain?
The following providers offer Trigger Point Injections at Family Medical Specialties. They can answer any of your questions and walk you through this treatment option. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is Pelvic Health?
Pelvic health includes the functioning and management of the bladder, bowel, and reproductive organs. It plays a vital role in complete physical, mental, social, and sexual well-being.
What Causes Pelvic Pain?
Pelvic pain can be caused by several situations, including underlying diseases and conditions. Some of the most common causes include:
- Full bladder
- Constipation
- Pregnancy
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Twisted or ruptured ovarian cyst
- Endometriosis
- Menstruation
- Trauma
- Appendicitis
- Colon Cancer
- Constipation
- Chron’s disease
- Diverticulitis
- Fibromyalgia
- Inguinal hernia
- Interstitial Cystitis
What is Incontinence?
Incontinence is when you experience loss of bladder control. This can be in the form of a slight loss of urine after sneezing, coughing, or laughing, or it can be a complete loss of control of urination.
How do I strengthen my pelvic floor?
Your pelvic floor are the muscles located between the tailbone (coccyx) and the pubic bone. These muscles support the bladder. For females, these muscles also support the uterus and vagina.
Those with a weak pelvic floor can experience pelvic floor dysfunction. This is when you are not able to correctly relax and coordinate your pelvic floor muscles to have a bowel movement. Symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction, or a weak pelvic floor, include:
- Constipation
- Straining to defecate
- Frequently needing to urinate
- Having urine or stool leakage
To strengthen your pelvic floor, you can do exercises called Kegels. To do Kegels:
- Find your pelvic floor muscles: these are what you use if you try to stop the flow of urine when you go to the toilet
- Comfortably sit and squeeze these muscles 10 to 15 times
- Do not hold your breath or tighten your stomach, rump, or thigh muscles at the same time
- Try holding the squeeze for a few seconds
- Every week, add more squeezes (don’t overdo it)
- Rest between sets of squeezes
- You should start to see results after a few months
Who can help me with my Pelvic Health and Incontinence needs?
The providers below can support you and answer your questions regarding any of your Pelvic Health care needs. Schedule an appointment through our secure messaging app on our website, or by texting us at 308-280-2295 today!
What is a Vasectomy?
A vasectomy is a form of male birth control. During the procedure, your doctor cuts and seals the tubes that carry the sperm from the testicles to the penis. A vasectomy has a low risk of problems and can typically be performed under local anesthesia in an outpatient setting.
Is a Vasectomy Covered by Insurance?
The majority of health insurance companies will cover most or all of your vasectomy cost after your yearly deductible has been met. Your provider can discuss the costs with you at your appointment if this is a procedure you are interested in.
Who Can Perform Vasectomies?
The following providers perform vasectomies at Family Medical Specialties. They can answer any of your questions and walk you through what to expect. Schedule your appointment by sending us a message through the chat below or text us at 308-280-2295 today!
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